States of medicaid map
Medicaid has had an increasing amount of changes since its creation in terms of execution and implementation. Programmatic changes driven primarily at the state-level are important in providing adequate care that also need to be recognized to fully understand its current position in the U.S. healthcare system and in the millions of Americans who depend on Medicaid to receive health care. As such, it is imperative to critically examine programs in each state to gain a better understanding of the extent to which the programs are fulfilling the legislative intent of Medicaid. In this report, we conducted a comprehensive review of Medicaid programs across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In accordance with the guidelines set forth by CBO, we evaluated each program according to the level of access provided, the sustainability of each program, and the value regarding the cost of each program compared with metrics of health for the Medicaid population in each state. Our objective in this report is to provide a thorough and timely analysis of the performance of Medicaid across the US. In doing so, we hope that our findings will inform policy conversations moving forward and incite state-level legislature to consider opportunities for improvement in their respective programs.